Plant encyclopedia
Everything from A - Z. Or to be more precise, from Achillea millefolium to Vitex agnus castus.
The scoring is straightforward: the score increases point by point with increasing severity of subjectively perceived complaints in each of the 11 items. Meaning: The higher your total score is, the more your menopausal symptoms affect your quality of life. The total score is determined by three dimensions:
Which of the following symptoms apply to you at this time? Please, mark the appropriate box for each symptom. For symptoms that do not apply, please mark 'none'. You will obtain a brief evaluation of your menopause status based on your answers in addition to some information and advice.
Everything from A - Z. Or to be more precise, from Achillea millefolium to Vitex agnus castus.
Read the fascinating story of Switzerland's most celebrated naturopath and herbalist.